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Birch Readers Are Out of This World for PARP

Birch Readers Are Out of This World for PARP  thumbnail162441

Birch School recently held its annual Pick a Reading Partner multiday celebration. The two-week event is designed to encourage students to read with their families at home while making reading an event in school as well.
This year’s theme was “Birch Readers Are Out of This World.” The celebration “launched” with students taking a trip into the inflatable Sky Dome Planetarium. Special dress-up days were held, including days when students donned stars and Birch sportwear, as well as pajamas. Guest readers from the Merrick community were also invited to the school for a Community Read-A-Loud as they shared their love of reading with the young students. The celebration culminated with guest presenter Joe Romano’s “Take Me To Your Readers!” show, that “transported” students to a world of aliens, magic, comedy and plenty of books. 
During Birch School’s PARP celebration, students logged minutes read at home in addition to the reading that took place in school along with fun reading-related activities.