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Chatterton Kicks off Month of March Madness

Chatterton Kicks off Month of March Madness in class. thumbnail256091

Chatterton School is hosting various March Madness activities school wide for the month aimed at promoting healthy minds and bodies.

“These activities focus on being active and healthy, taking care of your mental health, encouraging teamwork, finding joy in academics and having a positive attitude,” Principal Dana Bermas noted.

During MindfulMondays, students participate in a mediation activity over the morning announcements and take a “Mindful Minute” throughout the day.

During lunch time one day, students were encouraged to “mix it up,” providing opportunities for children to speak to peers that they typically may not speak to.

Organized by Marisa Taddeo, the school social worker, children were asked to sitat various tables throughout the all purpose room by the letter of their first name.There were conversation prompts to help students learn more about new friends.

Every Wednesday is Work Out Wednesday,where school administrators and staff will be promoting fitness and good health with active wear dress up days. Morning workouts are led over the loudspeaker, getting students up from their desks and moving.

“Students and staff are encouraged participate in various exercises each morning as a school community,” Bermas said.

They’re also holding a school-wide Party Animals Bracket, where students and staff are voting for the championship staff pet, which will be announced on March 22.

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Date Added: 3/12/2024